皇冠体育滚球投注|0044 Wild Berry Cay and Neptune's Nest |巴哈马千万好意思金以下的优质私东谈主岛屿

发布日期:2023-04-26 04:57    点击次数:144

温雅「岛鸣海外 - GLOBAL DOMAIN」最新款的丰田皇冠




The Berry Islands in the Bahamas are a hidden gem that offers a combination of economic, political and cultural opportunities for investors looking to expand their portfolios. The islands are politically stable, with a democratic government and a stable currency. The Bahamian economy is largely based on tourism and financial services, and the Berry Islands are no exception. With its natural beauty, rich aquatic life and leisure activities, the Berry Islands have become a popular destination for tourists seeking a luxury island experience. Investing in tourism in the Berry Islands offers investors the opportunity to take advantage of this growing trend.


The cultural life of the Berry Islands is a mixture of African, European and American influences. The Bahamas has a rich cultural heritage, a vibrant music scene, delicious cuisine and a relaxed lifestyle. The Berry Islands offer investors the perfect opportunity to create a luxury resort that incorporates these cultural elements to create a unique and memorable island experience for their guests.

凭借其原始的水域和当然好意思景,贝里群岛已成为很多名东谈主财主和房地产投资者寻求辩别东谈主群的宁静生存姿首的天国。今天要共享的Wild Berry Cay和Neptune's Nest即是其中两个以其专有性和投资后劲而引东谈主防护的岛屿。

With its pristine waters and natural beauty, the Berry Islands have become a haven for many celebrities, millionaires and real estate investors seeking a tranquil lifestyle away from the crowds. Wild Berry Cay and Neptune's Nest, shared today, are two of these islands that stand out for their uniqueness and investment potential.


Wild Berry Cay位于Chub Cay以北2英里处,围聚佛罗里达州,是一个秀气的无东谈主岛。该岛占地90英亩,海拔高达40英尺,且岛上的泥土大多为玄色足够。同期它也坐落在一个条目优胜的渔业区域,使其成为垂纶的理思形式。

Located 2 miles north of Chub Cay, near Florida, Wild Berry Cay is a beautiful uninhabited island. The island is 90 acres, 40 feet above sea level, and the soil on the island is mostly black and rich. It is also located in an excellent fishing area, making it an ideal place for fishing.


该岛周围还有很多微型海滩,可以通过一些小径参预,而岛屿的东侧则提供了深广的深水通谈。此外,从该岛也很容易参预Chub Cay的入境港口,因此Wild Berry Cay是私东谈主家庭度假或度假胜地开采的绝佳所在。该岛为恒久产权,现在正在出售中,售价为750万好意思金。

There are also many pocket beaches around the island that can be accessed by trails, while the eastern side of the island offers good access to deep water. In addition, Chub Cay's port of entry is also easily accessible from the island, making Wild Berry Cay an excellent location for private family holidays or resort development. The island is freehold and is currently for sale for $7.5 million.

Neptune's Nest位于贝里群岛的中心隔壁,围聚Chub Cay和左近机场和船埠,遨游只需15分钟和45分钟便可差别到达拿骚和南佛罗里达。该岛占地约120英亩,领有7488英尺的白色沙滩,为开采提供了多种选择。岛屿海拔很高,还可以设立直升机停机坪和私东谈主飞机跑谈。


Neptune's Nest is located near the center of the Berry Islands, near Chub Cay and close to airports and docks, just 15 minutes and 45 minutes by flight from Nassau and South Florida, respectively. Covering approximately 120 acres, the island offers a variety of options for development with 7,488 feet of white sand. The island's high elevation allows for the construction of helipads and private airstrips.


凭借其360度的海滨,海滩,海湾和峭壁好意思景,Neptune's Nest特殊有后劲成为一个家庭式私东谈主岛屿度假地,或是一个豪华的热带海岛杰作度假村。该岛亦然恒久产权,现在售价为950万好意思金。感有趣的话,接待私信议论。


With its 360-degree views of the waterfront, beaches, bays and cliffs, Neptune's Nest has the potential to become a family-style private island resort, or a luxury tropical island boutique resort. The island, also a freehold, is currently on the market for $9.5 million. If interested, welcome to contact us for more information.


Thanks for your time. Until next time!



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图片起头: 网罗(版权归原作家扫数)


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